About Me
I believe in the uniqueness of every individual, and I understand that there's no one-size-fits-all approach. That's why I listen attentively to you, your goals, and your aspirations to craft a personalized program that perfectly aligns with your needs.

More than 10 years of studying various practices and theories have convinced me that individuality is the key element of personal growth success.

Before working with you, I completed professional training, and now I apply my knowledge and experience to create effective programs.

Certified in:

  • Iridology and Herbalism - New York Center of Iridology, USA
  • ABC+D Body Systems - School of Modern Phytotherapy, USA
  • Osteopathy - Minsk School of Osteopathy
  • Karmic Diseases in Cells - Alvasar School, Moscow
  • Astro-Psychologist - Terenteva Academy and Astrogora, Russia
  • Metasensory Techniques: "Ancestral Money Flow - Definitions and Changes in Monetary Scenarios" and "Metasensory Diagnosis for Detecting Negative Ancestral Programs"
  • Business Degree - Rutgers University, USA
  • And this is not all!

My transformation journey has been long and profound, and today I am a cobbler in my own shoes. I have received training from spiritual mentors in various corners of the world, and now my desire is to pass on my experience and knowledge to those who are ready and willing to change their lives for the better.

I know that within each of us lies incredible potential, waiting to be uncovered and nurtured. It's my purpose to help guide you on this journey of self-discovery and growth.

— Tasha Di Donato
Welcome to My Space!
I'm genuinely excited to welcome you here. This is a unique space where transformation and personal growth unfold, paving the way for a more fulfilling and joyful life
I believe in the uniqueness of every individual, and I understand that there's no one-size-fits-all approach. That's why I listen attentively to you, your goals, and your aspirations to craft a personalized program that perfectly aligns with your needs.

More than 10 years of studying various practices and theories have convinced me that individuality is the key element of personal growth success.

Before working with you, I completed professional training, and now I apply my knowledge and experience to create effective programs.

Certified in:

  • Iridology and Herbalism - New York Center of Iridology, USA
  • ABC+D Body Systems - School of Modern Phytotherapy, USA
  • Osteopathy - Minsk School of Osteopathy
  • Karmic Diseases in Cells - Alvasar School, Moscow
  • Astro-Psychologist - Terenteva Academy and Astrogora, Russia
  • Metasensory Techniques: "Ancestral Money Flow - Definitions and Changes in Monetary Scenarios" and "Metasensory Diagnosis for Detecting Negative Ancestral Programs"
  • Business Degree - Rutgers University, USA
  • And this is not all!

My transformation journey has been long and profound, and today I am a cobbler in my own shoes. I have received training from spiritual mentors in various corners of the world, and now my desire is to pass on my experience and knowledge to those who are ready and willing to change their lives for the better.

I know that within each of us lies incredible potential, waiting to be uncovered and nurtured. It's my purpose to help guide you on this journey of self-discovery and growth.

My Services
Virtual Sessions
Bringing our sessions to the digital realm, I'm here to make your experience seamless and enriching. Through platforms like Zoom and Skype, we connect from anywhere globally, ensuring the utmost convenience, privacy, and adaptability. Embrace your journey towards your goals in the cozy comfort of your space. Rest assured, the depth of our online sessions matches the warmth of in-person meetings. Plus, you'll have the added benefit of session recordings for your reference.
Online Programs
We present you with unique opportunities: frequency meditations, specialized meditations for women's health, and rejuvenating lessons. Enjoy flexibility and convenience by accessing these programs from anywhere.
Group Sessions
This is an opportunity to work alongside other individuals who are also seeking their path to health and balance. I conduct online and offline group sessions, which include meditations, energetic practices, Sanango ceremonies (offline only), and other techniques that aid in achieving life harmony.
My Unique Programs:
Want to understand yourself better? My signature programs offer a unique blend of astrology, numerology, and destiny cards. They will help you unlock your potential, comprehend your personality traits, prepare for a new year and seasons, uncover your skills and purpose, and will help to focus on health and body.
Client Results After Working with Me:
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Client on a Quest to Find His Life's Purpose.
A young individual reached out to me, seeking guidance on his life's direction and true calling. He was at a crossroads, trying to decide whether to continue with his current job or start a new business. He felt a sense of dissatisfaction and lacked clarity about what his heart truly wanted. I assisted him in exploring his inner self, unraveling his thoughts, and identifying the obstacles holding him back. We also worked on his hidden feelings and emotions.
We established well-defined objectives and crafted a strategic roadmap to achieve them more efficiently. Remarkably, the client emerged with an exciting concept just after our second session. In a few months, he started a new venture that resonated with him, leading to success.
Realizing one's life purpose is a profound joy everyone wishes to experience.
Client Results After Working with Me:
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Client Dealing with Chronic Fatigue.
One of my clients, a young woman, reached out to me due to her ongoing struggle with chronic fatigue. She faced constant exhaustion, had difficulty concentrating at work, and dealt with persistent mental haziness. I assessed her condition and created a customized plan to enhance her physical wellness. The program included selecting herbs, minerals, and vitamins, incorporating physical exercises, meditations, and addressing thoughts and beliefs.
Within a couple of months, significant improvements were evident.
Her self-assurance returned, her digestive and liver functions normalized, abdominal discomfort vanished, and mental clarity emerged. Her self-confidence returned, her digestive system and liver started functioning properly, abdominal pains disappeared, and her mind became clear. Her productivity skyrocketed, bringing fresh energy to her life.
Client Results After Working with Me:
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Client Seeking Help with Managing Emotions and Stress
Meet Andrei, a man who contacted me for guidance in managing his emotions and stress. Holding a significant position at work and expecting a new baby, Andrei was grappling with high anxiety levels, leaving him constantly on edge.
We began with a diagnostic session to understand which techniques could be most beneficial for Andrei. Based on the results, I suggested a course of frequency-based meditation and anxiety relief techniques.

After just a few sessions, Andrei started noticing a decrease in his anxiety levels. He began to feel calmer and more relaxed. He even reported improved sleep quality and increased productivity at work.
As he continued working with the frequency techniques over the next few weeks, Andrei shared that he overcame many obstacles that previously hindered his progress. He realized the mental blocks that were holding him back and experienced significant growth in his thinking. Additionally, during the program, he found relief from shoulder pain!
Andrei's journey showcases the power of holistic techniques in transforming not only his emotional well-being but also enhancing his overall quality of life.
  • I am very grateful to Tasha for her support and help. She taught me how to work with my emotions and find my way. My life has become much brighter and complete thanks to her intuitive techniques.
    Julia Palissy
  • Tasha entered my life like a true guardian angel. I faced challenges in my work and personal life, and she helped me figure out what I needed to do to move forward. I found meaning in my life, and now I see things differently thanks to her support.
    Sergei Saniev
  • I was skeptical about intuitive work, but Tasha changed my life. She helped me reveal and release my past traumas and fears, and now I feel more confident than ever. I recommend her services to anyone who wants to improve their lives.
    Joe Cripe
  • I highly recommend coach Tasha. Her professionalism, intuition, and knowledge have been essential to my success in my personal life and career. She is a great guide.
    Melisa Bryan
  • Tasha's guidance has been a transformative experience for me. Her holistic approach opened my eyes to a whole new way of understanding myself and my life. With her support, I've learned to embrace challenges and turn them into opportunities for growth. Tasha's unique methods have truly made a positive impact on my well-being.
    Lisa Martinez
  • Working with Tasha has been a game-changer. Her ability to seamlessly blend intuition with practical strategies is remarkable. She helped me untangle complex emotions and guided me toward a clearer path. Tasha's insights are like a compass that has helped me navigate both my personal and professional life with newfound confidence.
    Mark Johnson
  • Tasha's coaching is like a breath of fresh air. Her empathetic approach creates a safe space for exploration and growth. Through her guidance, I've gained clarity on my goals and discovered the power of self-compassion. Tasha's passion for helping others shines through, making every session an enlightening experience.
    Emily Carter
  • I can't thank Tasha enough for the positive changes she's brought into my life. Her intuitive coaching style resonated deeply with me, and her personalized techniques have been incredibly effective. With her support, I've overcome hurdles that seemed insurmountable before. Tasha is not just a life coach; she's a true beacon of inspiration.
    David Thompson
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